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Position: Tech Project/Product Manager
Description: APP development, which, through tracking equipment, allows to know the location of a vehicle or motorcycle.
Term: January 2021- Current
Executing firm: Adminsat
Business Core Product
Business sector: Transportation
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, Scrum, SQA, Data Science, Tableau, Remote work
Position: Tech Project/Product Manager
Description: Platform development for fleet management, monitoring and control
Term: March 2018- Current
Executing firm: Adminsat
Business Core Product
Business sector: Transportation
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, Scrum, SQA, Data Science, Tableau, Remote work
Position: Project Manager
Decription: Gather and analysis of database related with the use of free software in Colombia and design and execution of trainings in Datasync, Pentaho, Python , MySQL, among others
Term: 2021
Contractor firm: MINTIC
Executing firm: Digitarianos
Business sector: Technology Digital Marketing
Contact: María González, president
Skills: Project Management, Agile, Data Science, Python, SQL, Remote work
Position: Project Controller
Description: Development of strategy for the positioning of the Colombian Pacific region as an international tourism power
Term: 2021
Contractor firm:
Executing firm: Digitarianos
Business sector: Tourism Digital Marketing
Contact: María González, president
Skills: Project Management, Agile, Digital Marketing, Remote work
Position: Project Manager
Description: Implementation of the innovation management system within the organization and obtaining the seal of good practices in innovation by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá
Term: 2017
Executing firm: Adminsat
Internal Project
Business sector: Transportation
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, Agile, Design Thinking, Innovation, ISO9001
Position: Virtual Course Designer
Description: Project management course design for graduate programs: "Project Management", "Schedule and Cost Management" and "Earned Value Management"
Term: March 2018-2020
Executing firm: Piloto University
Business Core Product
Business sector: Education
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, Project Planning, Project Schedule, Project Cost, Project Control, Earned Value, LMS, Moodle.
Position: Tech Project Manager
Description: Development of a system for shooting practices in the military sector based on a laser, sensors, software and hardware for the recording and analysis of information and simulation of a recoil system
Term: 2014 - 2017
Executing firm: Adminsat
Business sector: Military
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, Scrum, SQA, Remote work, Data Science
Position: Project Manager - Co-investigator
Description: Development of a platform for the registration and quick consultation of the medical history of the Colombian population - VITAL
Term: March 2015 - December 2015
Contractor firm: Ministry of Sciences
Executing firm: EAN University
Business sector: Health
Contact: Luis Cobo, professor
Skills: Project Management, Agile, Researching, Data Science
Position: Tech Project Manager
Description: Development of communications and surveillance system through the use of captive aerostats
Term: March 2014- December 2014
Contractor firm: MINCIENCIAS
Executing firm: Génesis
Business sector: Military reasearch
Contact: +57 604 531 67 29,
Skills: Project Management, Product Development, Research, Technology
Position: Project Manager
Decription: Development of a simulator for the safe city program
Term: January 2017 - December 2017
Contractor firm: Colombia National Police
Executing firm: Adminsat
Business sector: National Security
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, innovation, technology
Position: Project Manager
Decription: Project Manager of III and IV International Congress of Project Management. PMI Colombia.
Term: January 2014 - December 2015
Contractor firm: PMI
Business sector: Project Management
Contact: Alberto Domínguez, expresident PMI Bogotá
Skills: Project Management, volunteering
Position: Tech Project Manager
Description: Development of Algorithm for quantifying and classifying the risk of road accidents associated with drivers
Term: 2014
Executing firm: Adminsat
Business Core Product
Business sector: Transportation
Contact: Juan Londoño, president
Skills: Project Management, Scrum, SQA, Data Science, Tableau, Remote work
Position: Tech Product/Project Coordinator
Description: Development of the system for the management of internet payments nationwide
Term: August 2008- March 2014
Executing firm: Credibanco
Business Core Product
Business sector: Banking
Contact: 601 376 6440
Skills: Product/Project Management, Windows NT Server, Agile, SQA, SQL. PCI-DSS, Cybersecurity, ISO8583, Base24.
Position: Tech Project Coordinator
Description: Product development for the banking correspondent system in Colombia
Term: August 2008- March 2014
Executing firm: Credibanco
Business Core Product
Business sector: Banking
Contact: 601 376 6440
Skills: Product/Project Management, Agile, SQA, PCI-DSS, Cybersecurity, ISO8583, Base24.
Position: Tech Project Coordinator
Description: Software development for the Points Of Service (POS) dataphones nationwide
Term: August 2008- March 2014
Executing firm: Credibanco
Business Core Product
Business sector: Banking
Contact: 601 376 6440
Skills: Project Management, Agile, SQA, PCI-DSS, Cybersecurity, ISO8583, Base24.
Position: Tech Project Coordinator
Description: Development of an automated system for updating software in POS systems in a modular way
Term: August 2008- March 2014
Executing firm: Credibanco
Business Core Product
Business sector: Banking
Contact: 601 376 6440
Skills: Project Management, Agile, SQA, PCI-DSS, Cybersecurity, ISO8583, Base24.
Position: Tech Product Coordinator
Description: Development of the system for the management of retail payments
Term: August 2008- March 2014
Contractor firm: Carrefour
Executing firm: Credibanco
Business sector: Retail
Contact: 601 376 6440
Skills: Product/Project Management, PostgreSQL, SQA, PCI-DSS, Cybersecurity, ISO8583, Base24.
Position: Software Developer
Description: Development of software for Credibanco data points that receive payments nationwide
Term: October 2007- July 2008
Contractor firm: Credibanco
Executing firm: Processa
Business Core Product
Business sector: Banking
Skills: Software developer, C++, Java, PCI-DSS, Cybersecurity, ISO8583, SQA.
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