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Through my brand OGMA22 I have provided training in Project Management and Scrum. If you are interested in a personalized training, contact me!
I have worked as a full-time and chair professor since 2017, being director of postgraduate works, teaching different general courses on Project Management, and particular ones such as Schedule Management, Cost Management, Risk Management and preparation for the certification exam as PMP
I have taught courses on Evaluation, Formulation and Project Management
At EAN University I have taught courses in master's programs on topics such as Project Management, specifically programming and control
I have been a teacher in postgraduate programs of the courses of: Project Management, Procurement Management, Stakeholder Management and preparation for the certification exam as PMP
At the Catholic University of Colombia, I have taught classes in the Specialization in Formulation and Social and Economic Evaluation of Projects
I have taught Project Management courses in postgraduate programs
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